Liesa Fialkowske - Dez 16 2021


Im Winter ist die Natur ein unvergleichliches Abenteuer. Das Wetter ist teilweise rau bis eisig, doch wer sich darauf einlässt, wird mit traumhaften Panoramen und einzigartigen, sportlichen Erfahrungen belohnt. Die Möglichkeiten die Natur zu geniessen, sind vielseitig. Heute nimmt uns Manuel Reindl mit auf seine Touren und berichtet vom festen Halt in seinen Schuhen.

Pure Leidenschaft für die Natur und das Abenteuer

Manuel ist 35 Jahre alt und lebt mit seiner Familie in Mieming, Tirol in Österreich. Er hat die Ausbildung zum staatlich geprüften Berg- und Skiführer abgeschlossen und ist seitdem mit Gästen in den unterschiedlichsten Bereichen des Bergsports unterwegs.

Seine Leidenschaft für die Natur und das Abenteuer hat ihn schließlich auch in die Canyons getrieben, wo er die Ausbildung zum Canyoning Guide abgeschlossen hat. Seitdem ist Manuel auch hier regelmäßig mit Gästen und Kollegen unterwegs und genießt jedes Naturabenteuer.
Manuel leitet stellvertretend eine Ortsstelle der Bergrettung in Tirol. Beruflich ist er als Alpinpolizist tätig, durch seinen Job ist er dementsprechend das ganze Jahr über in alpinen Umgebungen unterwegs.

Manuel verbringt durch all diese Tätigkeiten natürlich extrem viel Zeit auf den Beinen und in unterschiedlichsten Schuhen (Bergschuhe, Wanderschuhe, Skischuhe, Skitourenschuhe, Canyoningschuhe usw.), was auch immer mal wieder zu kleineren Problemen geführt hat. 

“Ich habe mich nach einiger Zeit nach passenden Einlegesohlen, Socken usw. umgesehen und habe schnell gemerkt, dass das einen enormen Unterschied für mich in der Performance, aber auch im gesundheitlichen Sinn macht.” 

Auf- und Abstieg mit CURREX Einlegesohlen

Manuel trägt aktuell je nach Schuhmodel die HIKEPRO bzw. die EGDEPRO und teilt seine Erfahrung mit uns:

"Ich war bereits mehrfach über längere Strecken mit den HIKEPRO Einlegesohlen in meinem Bergschuh unterwegs. Es handelt sich dabei um einen bedingt steigeisenfesten Bergschuh. Ich war sowohl im „Trockenen“ als auch im Schnee unterwegs. Bisher habe ich in dem Bergschuh keine spezielle Sohle verwendet. Nur die, die mitgeliefert wurde. Diese ist eine ganz normale, nicht angepasste Sohle, die in jedem Schuh verbaut wird. Wenn man einen solchen Schuh kauft, sollte man schon ungefähr wissen, welche Fußform man hat, da alle Hersteller ja anders schneiden. Die Sohle ist aber wie gesagt flach, ohne jegliche angepasst Form für den Benutzer.

Mit den Bergschuhen ist es immer wieder vorgekommen, dass ich bei speziellen Tätigkeiten – Klettern, Eisklettern - merkte, dass sich auch wenn der Schuh ganz verschnürt ist, die Ferse aus dem Schuh heben kann und somit ein kontrolliertes Benutzen teilweise eingeschränkt war. Besonders, wenn man auf kleinen Tritten steht oder auf den Frontzacken der Steigeisen. Mit der CURREX habe ich dann gleich gemerkt, dass ich einen ganz anderen Halt und eine andere Fußhaltung in dem Schuh habe. Ich habe auch gleich gemerkt, dass sich der linke Fuß sich nicht gleich anfühlt wie der rechte. So wie ihr es auch auf eurer Beilage beschreibt, daher wusste ich direkt - das ist okay und normal. Wir sind halt nicht symmetrisch. Eine Veränderung war somit für mich sofort spürbar. Ganz besonders dann, wenn es auf die Zehenspitzen geht und ich merke, dass die Ferse bleibt, wo sie bleiben soll und ich eine bessere Kontrolle bzw. Wahrnehmung habe."

Manuels Favoriten:

CURREX HIKEPRO insole with white and black camo base next to tan box with yellow insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Woman taking a break from hiking to tie hiking shoe #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Woman placing yellow medium profile CURREX HIKEPRO insoles into hiking shoes while standing near mountain cliff #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Floating top view of yellow colored HIKEPRO medium profile insoles with white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Floating base view of HIKEPRO medium profile insoles with white arch support, gray heel pad, black forefoot cushioning pad, white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
View of pair of yellow medium profile HIKEPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Top view of yellow colored HIKEPRO medium profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Base view of HIKEPRO medium profile insole pair with white arch support, gray heel pad, black forefoot cushioning pad, white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
CURREX HIKEPRO insole with white and black camo base next to tan box with red insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Woman taking a break from hiking to tie hiking shoe #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
CURREX HIKEPRO red low profile insoles sitting next to hiking shoes and backpack near river #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Floating top view of red colored HIKEPRO low profile insoles with white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Floating base view of HIKEPRO low profile insoles with white arch support, gray heel pad, black forefoot cushioning pad, white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
View of pair of red low profile HIKEPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Top view of red colored HIKEPRO low profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Base view of HIKEPRO low profile insole pair with white arch support, gray heel pad, black forefoot cushioning pad, white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
CURREX HIKEPRO insole with white and black camo base next to tan box with blue insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Woman taking a break from hiking to tie hiking shoe #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Man outside placing CURREX HIKEPRO insoles into shoe before going on the hiking trail #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Floating top view of blue colored HIKEPRO high profile insoles with white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Base view of HIKEPRO high profile insole pair with white arch support, gray heel pad, black forefoot cushioning pad, white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Floating base view of HIKEPRO high profile insoles with white arch support, gray heel pad, black forefoot cushioning pad, white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
View of pair of blue high profile HIKEPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Top view of blue colored HIKEPRO high profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
CURREX HIKEPRO insole with white and black camo base next to tan box with yellow insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Woman taking a break from hiking to tie hiking shoe #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Woman placing yellow medium profile CURREX HIKEPRO insoles into hiking shoes while standing near mountain cliff #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Floating top view of yellow colored HIKEPRO medium profile insoles with white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Floating base view of HIKEPRO medium profile insoles with white arch support, gray heel pad, black forefoot cushioning pad, white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
View of pair of yellow medium profile HIKEPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Top view of yellow colored HIKEPRO medium profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Base view of HIKEPRO medium profile insole pair with white arch support, gray heel pad, black forefoot cushioning pad, white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
CURREX HIKEPRO informational video #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
CURREX HIKEPRO insole with white and black camo base next to tan box with red insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Woman taking a break from hiking to tie hiking shoe #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
CURREX HIKEPRO red low profile insoles sitting next to hiking shoes and backpack near river #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Floating top view of red colored HIKEPRO low profile insoles with white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Floating base view of HIKEPRO low profile insoles with white arch support, gray heel pad, black forefoot cushioning pad, white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
View of pair of red low profile HIKEPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Top view of red colored HIKEPRO low profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Base view of HIKEPRO low profile insole pair with white arch support, gray heel pad, black forefoot cushioning pad, white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
CURREX HIKEPRO informational video #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
CURREX HIKEPRO insole with white and black camo base next to tan box with blue insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Woman taking a break from hiking to tie hiking shoe #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Man outside placing CURREX HIKEPRO insoles into shoe before going on the hiking trail #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Floating top view of blue colored HIKEPRO high profile insoles with white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Base view of HIKEPRO high profile insole pair with white arch support, gray heel pad, black forefoot cushioning pad, white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Floating base view of HIKEPRO high profile insoles with white arch support, gray heel pad, black forefoot cushioning pad, white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
View of pair of blue high profile HIKEPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Top view of blue colored HIKEPRO high profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
CURREX HIKEPRO informational video #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
CURREX EDGEPRO insole with gray, red and black base next to white box with yellow insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Person taking break from skiing looking off at snowy mountains #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Man sitting on chair next to skis preparing to go skiing by adding CURREX EDGEPRO yellow medium profile insoles to ski boots #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Floating top view of yellow colored EDGEPRO medium profile insoles with gray, red and black base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Floating base view of EDGEPRO medium profile insoles with black arch support, red heel pad, red forefoot cushioning pad, gray, red and black base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
View of pair of yellow medium profile EDGEPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Top view of yellow colored EDGEPRO medium profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Base view of EDGEPRO medium profile insole pair with black arch support, red heel pad, red forefoot cushioning pad, gray base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
CURREX EDGEPRO insole with gray, red and black base next to white box with red insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Person taking break from skiing looking off at snowy mountains #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Skis, black ski boots, and CURREX EDGEPRO low profile red insoles sitting in the snow #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Floating top view of red colored EDGEPRO low profile insoles with gray, red and black base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Floating base view of EDGEPRO low profile insoles with black arch support, red heel pad, red forefoot cushioning pad, gray, red and black base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
View of pair of red low profile EDGEPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Top view of red colored EDGEPRO low profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Base view of EDGEPRO low profile insole pair with black arch support, red heel pad, red forefoot cushioning pad, gray base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
CURREX EDGEPRO insole with gray, red and black base next to white box with blue insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Person taking break from skiing looking off at snowy mountains #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Person sitting on bench preparing to go skiing by placing CURREX EDGEPRO blue high profile insoles into black ski boots #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Floating top view of blue colored EDGEPRO high profile insoles with gray, red and black base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Floating base view of EDGEPRO high profile insoles with black arch support, red heel pad, red forefoot cushioning pad, gray, red and black base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
View of pair of blue high profile EDGEPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Top view of blue colored EDGEPRO high profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Base view of EDGEPRO high profile insole pair with black arch support, red heel pad, red forefoot cushioning pad, gray base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
CURREX EDGEPRO insole with gray, red and black base next to white box with yellow insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Person taking break from skiing looking off at snowy mountains #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Man sitting on chair next to skis preparing to go skiing by adding CURREX EDGEPRO yellow medium profile insoles to ski boots #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Floating top view of yellow colored EDGEPRO medium profile insoles with gray, red and black base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Floating base view of EDGEPRO medium profile insoles with black arch support, red heel pad, red forefoot cushioning pad, gray, red and black base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
View of pair of yellow medium profile EDGEPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Top view of yellow colored EDGEPRO medium profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Base view of EDGEPRO medium profile insole pair with black arch support, red heel pad, red forefoot cushioning pad, gray base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
CURREX EDGEPRO insole with gray, red and black base next to white box with red insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Person taking break from skiing looking off at snowy mountains #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Skis, black ski boots, and CURREX EDGEPRO low profile red insoles sitting in the snow #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Floating top view of red colored EDGEPRO low profile insoles with gray, red and black base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Floating base view of EDGEPRO low profile insoles with black arch support, red heel pad, red forefoot cushioning pad, gray, red and black base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
View of pair of red low profile EDGEPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Top view of red colored EDGEPRO low profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Base view of EDGEPRO low profile insole pair with black arch support, red heel pad, red forefoot cushioning pad, gray base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
CURREX EDGEPRO insole with gray, red and black base next to white box with blue insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Person taking break from skiing looking off at snowy mountains #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Person sitting on bench preparing to go skiing by placing CURREX EDGEPRO blue high profile insoles into black ski boots #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Floating top view of blue colored EDGEPRO high profile insoles with gray, red and black base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Floating base view of EDGEPRO high profile insoles with black arch support, red heel pad, red forefoot cushioning pad, gray, red and black base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
View of pair of blue high profile EDGEPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Top view of blue colored EDGEPRO high profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Base view of EDGEPRO high profile insole pair with black arch support, red heel pad, red forefoot cushioning pad, gray base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high

Perfekte Kontrolle beim Schwung und während der Abfahrt

Manuel erklärt: "Diese positiven Erfahrungen aus den Wanderschuhen hat sich dann auch direkt auf den Skitourenschuh übertragen - hier nutze ich die EDGEPRO. Mit dem Schuh war ich dieses Jahr auch schon mehrmals unterwegs. Im Aufstieg ist der Tourenschuh normalerweise komplett geöffnet und „entriegelt“. Ansonsten würde man sich ja in dem Schuh abscheuern, da dort sehr viel Bewegung und eine harte Skischuh-Schale im Spiel ist. Das Gefühl bleibt also im Aufstieg eher auf der Strecke. Aber man merkt wie beim Bergschuh, dass der Fuß eine gute Stellung im Schuh hat und ich konnte so auch ein lästiges Ziehen im Sohlen- und Zehenbereich beseitigen, welches sich bei mir bei jeder Tour normalerweise einstellte. Bei der Abfahrt wird der Schuh dann verriegelt und speziell beim Skifahren kommt dann zur Geltung, dass die Ferse in dem Schuh „festsitzt“, was ohne die EDGEPRO Einlegesohle bei mir nicht der Fall war. Dort merkt man im Schwungansatz und bei Druck auf die Zehen, wie die Ferse bei einigen Schuhmodellen im Schuh nach oben geht und somit die Kontrolle über einen korrekten Schwung verloren geht. Also auch hier eine Empfehlung für das Produkt!”

Die HIKEPRO im Detail erklärt

Wir haben die CURREX HikePro für dich in einem kurzen Video erklärt.

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Entdecke weitere spannende Berichte


Heute erklären wir, was die CURREX Insole so besonders macht und was sie von allen anderen Mitbewerbern unterscheidet. Warum gibt es 3 verschiedene Profile und was ist dieses DAT?


Im Winter ist die Natur ein unvergleichliches Abenteuer: traumhafte Panoramen und einzigartige, sportliche Erfahrungen. Manuel Reindl nimmt uns mit auf seine Touren und berichtet vom festen Halt in seinen Schuhen.


Erfahrungsbericht: Marko Gränitz ist Ultraläufer. Er nimmt uns heute mit auf seine mentale und körperliche Achterbahnfahrt beim 24-Stunden-Rennen in Bad Blumau.

CURREX RUNPRO insole yellow, orange, white and blue base next to black box with yellow insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Woman runner taking a break from run while wearing CURREX RUNPRO running insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Man placing CURREX RUNPRO insole into sneaker #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Floating top view of yellow colored RUNPRO medium profile insoles with yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Floating base view of RUNPRO medium profile insoles with white arch support, blue heel pad, orange met cushion, yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
View of pair of yellow medium profile RUNPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Top view of yellow colored RUNPRO medium profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Base view of RUNPRO medium profile insole pair with white arch support, blue heel pad, orange met cushion, yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
CURREX RUNPRO insole yellow, orange, white and blue base next to black box with red insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Woman runner taking a break from run while wearing CURREX RUNPRO running insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Woman holding up a pair of red low profile CURREX RUNPRO insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Floating top view of red colored RUNPRO low profile insoles with yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Floating base view of RUNPRO low profile insoles with white arch support, blue heel pad, orange met cushion, yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
View of pair of red low profile RUNPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Top view of red colored RUNPRO low profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Base view of RUNPRO low profile insole pair with white arch support, blue heel pad, orange met cushion, yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
CURREX RUNPRO insole yellow, orange, white and blue base next to black box with blue insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Woman runner taking a break from run while wearing CURREX RUNPRO running insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Man holding up a pair of blue high profile CURREX RUNPRO insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Floating top view of blue colored RUNPRO high profile insoles with yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Floating base view of RUNPRO high profile insoles with white arch support, blue heel pad, orange met cushion, yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
View of pair of blue high profile RUNPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Top view of blue colored RUNPRO high profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Base view of RUNPRO high profile insole pair with white arch support, blue heel pad, orange met cushion, yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
CURREX RUNPRO insole yellow, orange, white and blue base next to black box with yellow insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Woman runner taking a break from run while wearing CURREX RUNPRO running insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Man placing CURREX RUNPRO insole into sneaker #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Floating top view of yellow colored RUNPRO medium profile insoles with yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Floating base view of RUNPRO medium profile insoles with white arch support, blue heel pad, orange met cushion, yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
View of pair of yellow medium profile RUNPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Top view of yellow colored RUNPRO medium profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Base view of RUNPRO medium profile insole pair with white arch support, blue heel pad, orange met cushion, yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
CURREX RUNPRO insole yellow, orange, white and blue base next to black box with red insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Woman runner taking a break from run while wearing CURREX RUNPRO running insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Woman holding up a pair of red low profile CURREX RUNPRO insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Floating top view of red colored RUNPRO low profile insoles with yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Floating base view of RUNPRO low profile insoles with white arch support, blue heel pad, orange met cushion, yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
View of pair of red low profile RUNPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Top view of red colored RUNPRO low profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Base view of RUNPRO low profile insole pair with white arch support, blue heel pad, orange met cushion, yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
CURREX RUNPRO insole yellow, orange, white and blue base next to black box with blue insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Woman runner taking a break from run while wearing CURREX RUNPRO running insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Man holding up a pair of blue high profile CURREX RUNPRO insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Floating top view of blue colored RUNPRO high profile insoles with yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Floating base view of RUNPRO high profile insoles with white arch support, blue heel pad, orange met cushion, yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
View of pair of blue high profile RUNPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Top view of blue colored RUNPRO high profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Base view of RUNPRO high profile insole pair with white arch support, blue heel pad, orange met cushion, yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
CURREX® RUNPRO™ | Dynamische Einlegesohlen fürs Laufen

CURREX® RUNPRO™ | Dynamische Einlegesohlen fürs Laufen

CURREX BIKEPRO insole with gray, red and black base next to blue box with yellow insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Man cycling through hike trail on a summer day #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
CURREX BIKEPRO yellow medium profile insoles sitting against bicycle wheel, cycling shoes, helmet, and water bottle #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Floating top view of yellow colored BIKEPRO medium profile insoles with gray, red and black base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Floating base view of BIKEPRO medium profile insoles with black arch support, black heel pad, red forefoot cushioning pad, gray, red and black base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
View of pair of yellow medium profile BIKEPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Top view of yellow colored BIKEPRO medium profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Base view of BIKEPRO medium profile insole pair with black arch support, black heel pad, red forefoot pad, gray base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
CURREX BIKEPRO insole with gray, red and black base next to blue box with red insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Man cycling through hike trail on a summer day #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Black cycling shoes sitting against backpack with CURREX BIKEPRO red low profile insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Floating top view of red colored BIKEPRO low profile insoles with gray, red and black base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Floating base view of BIKEPRO low profile insoles with black arch support, black heel pad, red forefoot cushioning pad, gray, red and black base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
View of pair of red low profile BIKEPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Top view of red colored BIKEPRO low profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Base view of BIKEPRO low profile insole pair with black arch support, black heel pad, red forefoot pad, gray base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
CURREX BIKEPRO insole with gray, red and black base next to blue box with blue insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Man cycling through hike trail on a summer day #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Woman holding blue high profile BIKEPRO insoles and black and white cycling shoe #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Floating top view of blue colored BIKEPRO high profile insoles with gray, red and black base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Floating base view of BIKEPRO high profile insoles with black arch support, black heel pad, red forefoot cushioning pad, gray, red and black base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
View of pair of blue high profile BIKEPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Top view of blue colored BIKEPRO high profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Base view of BIKEPRO high profile insole pair with black arch support, black heel pad, red forefoot pad, gray base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
CURREX BIKEPRO insole with gray, red and black base next to blue box with yellow insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Man cycling through hike trail on a summer day #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
CURREX BIKEPRO yellow medium profile insoles sitting against bicycle wheel, cycling shoes, helmet, and water bottle #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Floating top view of yellow colored BIKEPRO medium profile insoles with gray, red and black base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Floating base view of BIKEPRO medium profile insoles with black arch support, black heel pad, red forefoot cushioning pad, gray, red and black base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
View of pair of yellow medium profile BIKEPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Top view of yellow colored BIKEPRO medium profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Base view of BIKEPRO medium profile insole pair with black arch support, black heel pad, red forefoot pad, gray base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
CURREX BIKEPRO informational video #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
CURREX BIKEPRO insole with gray, red and black base next to blue box with red insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Man cycling through hike trail on a summer day #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Black cycling shoes sitting against backpack with CURREX BIKEPRO red low profile insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Floating top view of red colored BIKEPRO low profile insoles with gray, red and black base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Floating base view of BIKEPRO low profile insoles with black arch support, black heel pad, red forefoot cushioning pad, gray, red and black base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
View of pair of red low profile BIKEPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Top view of red colored BIKEPRO low profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Base view of BIKEPRO low profile insole pair with black arch support, black heel pad, red forefoot pad, gray base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
CURREX BIKEPRO informational video #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
CURREX BIKEPRO insole with gray, red and black base next to blue box with blue insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Man cycling through hike trail on a summer day #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Woman holding blue high profile BIKEPRO insoles and black and white cycling shoe #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Floating top view of blue colored BIKEPRO high profile insoles with gray, red and black base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Floating base view of BIKEPRO high profile insoles with black arch support, black heel pad, red forefoot cushioning pad, gray, red and black base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
View of pair of blue high profile BIKEPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Top view of blue colored BIKEPRO high profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Base view of BIKEPRO high profile insole pair with black arch support, black heel pad, red forefoot pad, gray base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
CURREX BIKEPRO informational video #1-wahle-dein-profil_high

CURREX® BIKEPRO™ | Einlegesohlen für Radschuhe

CURREX HIKEPRO insole with white and black camo base next to tan box with yellow insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Woman taking a break from hiking to tie hiking shoe #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Woman placing yellow medium profile CURREX HIKEPRO insoles into hiking shoes while standing near mountain cliff #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Floating top view of yellow colored HIKEPRO medium profile insoles with white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Floating base view of HIKEPRO medium profile insoles with white arch support, gray heel pad, black forefoot cushioning pad, white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
View of pair of yellow medium profile HIKEPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Top view of yellow colored HIKEPRO medium profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Base view of HIKEPRO medium profile insole pair with white arch support, gray heel pad, black forefoot cushioning pad, white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
CURREX HIKEPRO insole with white and black camo base next to tan box with red insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Woman taking a break from hiking to tie hiking shoe #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
CURREX HIKEPRO red low profile insoles sitting next to hiking shoes and backpack near river #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Floating top view of red colored HIKEPRO low profile insoles with white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Floating base view of HIKEPRO low profile insoles with white arch support, gray heel pad, black forefoot cushioning pad, white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
View of pair of red low profile HIKEPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Top view of red colored HIKEPRO low profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Base view of HIKEPRO low profile insole pair with white arch support, gray heel pad, black forefoot cushioning pad, white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
CURREX HIKEPRO insole with white and black camo base next to tan box with blue insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Woman taking a break from hiking to tie hiking shoe #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Man outside placing CURREX HIKEPRO insoles into shoe before going on the hiking trail #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Floating top view of blue colored HIKEPRO high profile insoles with white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Base view of HIKEPRO high profile insole pair with white arch support, gray heel pad, black forefoot cushioning pad, white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Floating base view of HIKEPRO high profile insoles with white arch support, gray heel pad, black forefoot cushioning pad, white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
View of pair of blue high profile HIKEPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Top view of blue colored HIKEPRO high profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
CURREX HIKEPRO insole with white and black camo base next to tan box with yellow insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Woman taking a break from hiking to tie hiking shoe #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Woman placing yellow medium profile CURREX HIKEPRO insoles into hiking shoes while standing near mountain cliff #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Floating top view of yellow colored HIKEPRO medium profile insoles with white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Floating base view of HIKEPRO medium profile insoles with white arch support, gray heel pad, black forefoot cushioning pad, white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
View of pair of yellow medium profile HIKEPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Top view of yellow colored HIKEPRO medium profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Base view of HIKEPRO medium profile insole pair with white arch support, gray heel pad, black forefoot cushioning pad, white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
CURREX HIKEPRO informational video #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
CURREX HIKEPRO insole with white and black camo base next to tan box with red insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Woman taking a break from hiking to tie hiking shoe #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
CURREX HIKEPRO red low profile insoles sitting next to hiking shoes and backpack near river #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Floating top view of red colored HIKEPRO low profile insoles with white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Floating base view of HIKEPRO low profile insoles with white arch support, gray heel pad, black forefoot cushioning pad, white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
View of pair of red low profile HIKEPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Top view of red colored HIKEPRO low profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Base view of HIKEPRO low profile insole pair with white arch support, gray heel pad, black forefoot cushioning pad, white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
CURREX HIKEPRO informational video #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
CURREX HIKEPRO insole with white and black camo base next to tan box with blue insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Woman taking a break from hiking to tie hiking shoe #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Man outside placing CURREX HIKEPRO insoles into shoe before going on the hiking trail #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Floating top view of blue colored HIKEPRO high profile insoles with white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Base view of HIKEPRO high profile insole pair with white arch support, gray heel pad, black forefoot cushioning pad, white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Floating base view of HIKEPRO high profile insoles with white arch support, gray heel pad, black forefoot cushioning pad, white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
View of pair of blue high profile HIKEPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Top view of blue colored HIKEPRO high profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
CURREX HIKEPRO informational video #1-wahle-dein-profil_high

CURREX® HIKEPRO™ | Einlegesohlen fürs Wandern