Liesa Fialkowske - Dez 30 2021

Frederic Funk - ein Athlet mit einem klaren Ziel vor Augen

Triathlet, Coffee Lover und vor allem immer auf der Suche nach neuen Herausforderungen. Frederic Funk startet seit 2018 als Profitriathlet und setzte direkt im ersten Jahr seiner Profikarriere ein riesengroßes Ausrufezeichen. Vier Mitteldistanzen mit vier Podiumserfolgen. Davon aber nicht genug, denn seine Karriere nimmt weiter Fahrt auf, so konnte er 2019 mit einem Sieg beim Ironman 70.3 Lanzarote glänzen und in 2021 sich den ersten Platz bei der Challenge Mallorca und St. Pölten sichern. Zudem hat sich Frederic in diesem Jahr den Titel Europameister 70.3 erkämpft beim Ironman Rennen in Walchsee. In den nächsten Jahren will er sich in der Weltspitze auf der Mitteldistanz etablieren und langfristig den großen Traum eines Sieges bei der Ironman Weltmeisterschaft auf Hawaii wahr machen.

Frederic Funk lässt das Laufband glühen

Nach einer erfolgreichen, aber langen Saison 2021 nutzt Frederic die Offseason und Trainingspause, um eine Laufanalyse zu machen. Er ist neugierig und möchte erfahren, was auf der 3. und letzten Disziplin dem Laufen noch rauszuholen ist.

Es ist Frederic sehr bewusst, dass ihm auf den Rad aktuell fast niemand davon fahren kann, er aber beim Laufen noch versteckte Potenziale hat. Wir machen dafür mit ihm eine Laufstilanalyse auf unserem 5-D LAB im Headquarter in Hamburg. Aus dieser Analyse haben wir spannende Erkenntnisse gezogen, die wir euch nicht vorenthalten möchten. 

“Die Ergebnisse haben gezeigt, dass noch etwas zu holen ist und weitere Potentiale vorhanden sind - das freut mich”

Mehr Kraft für mehr Ruhe und Ökonomie

Der Fokus beim Krafttraining liegt nun auf der unteren Bauch- und der hinteren Oberschenkelmuskulatur. Eine starke Muskulatur sorgt dafür, dass der komplette Rumpf ruhig ist und keine unnötige Kraft und Arbeit geleistet werden muss. Somit wird Energie gespart und der Laufstil ökonomischer. Frederic achtet dabei auf funktionelle Übungen und setzt auf exzentrisches Krafttraining (z.b. Jefferson Curl, Nordic Hamstring Curl, Reverse Nordic Hamstring Curl). 

Du willst auch wertvolle Tipps für dein Krafttraining oder benötigst noch die passende Übung, dann schau dir gern das folgende Video zum Thema Kräftigungsübungen für Läufer an:

Auf den Takt kommt es an 

Eine Optimierung der Schrittfrequenz steht auch auf dem Plan. Frederics Schrittfrequenz muss besonders bei den langen und langsamen Ausdauerläufen angehoben werden - so festigt sich eine starke und schnelle Koordinationsfähigkeit, die später bei schnellen Tempis notwendig ist, um kurze Kontaktzeiten zu generieren ohne zu schnell zu ermüden. Um die Frequenz zu erhöhen, wird unter anderen die Armarbeit verbessert, d.h. ein spitzer Ellenbogenwinkel wird über den gesamten Schrittzyklus realisiert, wodurch die Frequenz der Arme und Beine gesteigert werden kann.

Die kleinen Stellschrauben machen den Unterschied

Frederic setzt im Training auf die RUNPRO und im Wettkampf auf die RUNEXPERT - nichts zuletzt konnten wir das im 5-D LAB belegen. Die Laufanalyse im 5-D LAB war für Frederic in jedem fall motivierend, um mit Vollgas und einen konkreten Plan in die Saison 2022 zu starten.

Frederics Favoriten beim Laufen:

CURREX RUNPRO insole yellow, orange, white and blue base next to black box with yellow insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Woman runner taking a break from run while wearing CURREX RUNPRO running insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Man placing CURREX RUNPRO insole into sneaker #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Floating top view of yellow colored RUNPRO medium profile insoles with yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Floating base view of RUNPRO medium profile insoles with white arch support, blue heel pad, orange met cushion, yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
View of pair of yellow medium profile RUNPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Top view of yellow colored RUNPRO medium profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Base view of RUNPRO medium profile insole pair with white arch support, blue heel pad, orange met cushion, yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
CURREX RUNPRO insole yellow, orange, white and blue base next to black box with red insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Woman runner taking a break from run while wearing CURREX RUNPRO running insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Woman holding up a pair of red low profile CURREX RUNPRO insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Floating top view of red colored RUNPRO low profile insoles with yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Floating base view of RUNPRO low profile insoles with white arch support, blue heel pad, orange met cushion, yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
View of pair of red low profile RUNPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Top view of red colored RUNPRO low profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Base view of RUNPRO low profile insole pair with white arch support, blue heel pad, orange met cushion, yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
CURREX RUNPRO insole yellow, orange, white and blue base next to black box with blue insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Woman runner taking a break from run while wearing CURREX RUNPRO running insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Man holding up a pair of blue high profile CURREX RUNPRO insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Floating top view of blue colored RUNPRO high profile insoles with yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Floating base view of RUNPRO high profile insoles with white arch support, blue heel pad, orange met cushion, yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
View of pair of blue high profile RUNPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Top view of blue colored RUNPRO high profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Base view of RUNPRO high profile insole pair with white arch support, blue heel pad, orange met cushion, yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
CURREX RUNPRO insole yellow, orange, white and blue base next to black box with yellow insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Woman runner taking a break from run while wearing CURREX RUNPRO running insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Man placing CURREX RUNPRO insole into sneaker #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Floating top view of yellow colored RUNPRO medium profile insoles with yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Floating base view of RUNPRO medium profile insoles with white arch support, blue heel pad, orange met cushion, yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
View of pair of yellow medium profile RUNPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Top view of yellow colored RUNPRO medium profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Base view of RUNPRO medium profile insole pair with white arch support, blue heel pad, orange met cushion, yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
CURREX RUNPRO insole yellow, orange, white and blue base next to black box with red insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Woman runner taking a break from run while wearing CURREX RUNPRO running insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Woman holding up a pair of red low profile CURREX RUNPRO insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Floating top view of red colored RUNPRO low profile insoles with yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Floating base view of RUNPRO low profile insoles with white arch support, blue heel pad, orange met cushion, yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
View of pair of red low profile RUNPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Top view of red colored RUNPRO low profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Base view of RUNPRO low profile insole pair with white arch support, blue heel pad, orange met cushion, yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
CURREX RUNPRO insole yellow, orange, white and blue base next to black box with blue insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Woman runner taking a break from run while wearing CURREX RUNPRO running insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Man holding up a pair of blue high profile CURREX RUNPRO insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Floating top view of blue colored RUNPRO high profile insoles with yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Floating base view of RUNPRO high profile insoles with white arch support, blue heel pad, orange met cushion, yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
View of pair of blue high profile RUNPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Top view of blue colored RUNPRO high profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Base view of RUNPRO high profile insole pair with white arch support, blue heel pad, orange met cushion, yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
CURREX® RUNPRO™ | Dynamische Einlegesohlen fürs Laufen
Liquid error (sections/pf-22bf1c70 line 81): product form must be given a product

"Gerade in Zeiten von Carbon- Laufschuhen, die zudem einem hohen Sohlenaufbau haben ist es toll, Einlegesohlen zu haben, die mir Stabilität und besseren Kontakt zum Schuh und Boden geben. Bei meinen Rennen trete ich stets mit RunExpert Einlegesohlen an. Im Training setzte ich auf die RUNPRO. "

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Entdecke weitere spannende Berichte


Wir haben dir die wichtigsten Informationen über Laufschuhe zusammengetragen, so dass beim nächsten Laufschuhkauf alles passt.


Der bekannteste deutsche Marathonläufer Philipp Pflieger trifft bei CURREX zum ersten mal auf das 5D LAB und ist erstaunt, welche versteckten Potenziale eine professionelle Laufstilanalyse ans Licht bringen kann. 


Frederic lässt das Laufband glühen: Nach einer erfolgreichen Saison 2021 nutzt Frederic die Trainingspause, um eine Laufanalyse zu machen. Er ist neugierig, was auf der 3. und letzten Disziplin, dem Laufen, noch rauszuholen ist.

CURREX RUNPRO insole yellow, orange, white and blue base next to black box with yellow insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Woman runner taking a break from run while wearing CURREX RUNPRO running insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Man placing CURREX RUNPRO insole into sneaker #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Floating top view of yellow colored RUNPRO medium profile insoles with yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Floating base view of RUNPRO medium profile insoles with white arch support, blue heel pad, orange met cushion, yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
View of pair of yellow medium profile RUNPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Top view of yellow colored RUNPRO medium profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Base view of RUNPRO medium profile insole pair with white arch support, blue heel pad, orange met cushion, yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
CURREX RUNPRO insole yellow, orange, white and blue base next to black box with red insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Woman runner taking a break from run while wearing CURREX RUNPRO running insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Woman holding up a pair of red low profile CURREX RUNPRO insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Floating top view of red colored RUNPRO low profile insoles with yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Floating base view of RUNPRO low profile insoles with white arch support, blue heel pad, orange met cushion, yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
View of pair of red low profile RUNPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Top view of red colored RUNPRO low profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Base view of RUNPRO low profile insole pair with white arch support, blue heel pad, orange met cushion, yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
CURREX RUNPRO insole yellow, orange, white and blue base next to black box with blue insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Woman runner taking a break from run while wearing CURREX RUNPRO running insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Man holding up a pair of blue high profile CURREX RUNPRO insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Floating top view of blue colored RUNPRO high profile insoles with yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Floating base view of RUNPRO high profile insoles with white arch support, blue heel pad, orange met cushion, yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
View of pair of blue high profile RUNPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Top view of blue colored RUNPRO high profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Base view of RUNPRO high profile insole pair with white arch support, blue heel pad, orange met cushion, yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
CURREX RUNPRO insole yellow, orange, white and blue base next to black box with yellow insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Woman runner taking a break from run while wearing CURREX RUNPRO running insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Man placing CURREX RUNPRO insole into sneaker #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Floating top view of yellow colored RUNPRO medium profile insoles with yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Floating base view of RUNPRO medium profile insoles with white arch support, blue heel pad, orange met cushion, yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
View of pair of yellow medium profile RUNPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Top view of yellow colored RUNPRO medium profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Base view of RUNPRO medium profile insole pair with white arch support, blue heel pad, orange met cushion, yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
CURREX RUNPRO insole yellow, orange, white and blue base next to black box with red insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Woman runner taking a break from run while wearing CURREX RUNPRO running insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Woman holding up a pair of red low profile CURREX RUNPRO insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Floating top view of red colored RUNPRO low profile insoles with yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Floating base view of RUNPRO low profile insoles with white arch support, blue heel pad, orange met cushion, yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
View of pair of red low profile RUNPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Top view of red colored RUNPRO low profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Base view of RUNPRO low profile insole pair with white arch support, blue heel pad, orange met cushion, yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
CURREX RUNPRO insole yellow, orange, white and blue base next to black box with blue insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Woman runner taking a break from run while wearing CURREX RUNPRO running insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Man holding up a pair of blue high profile CURREX RUNPRO insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Floating top view of blue colored RUNPRO high profile insoles with yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Floating base view of RUNPRO high profile insoles with white arch support, blue heel pad, orange met cushion, yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
View of pair of blue high profile RUNPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Top view of blue colored RUNPRO high profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Base view of RUNPRO high profile insole pair with white arch support, blue heel pad, orange met cushion, yellow base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
CURREX® RUNPRO™ | Dynamische Einlegesohlen fürs Laufen

CURREX® RUNPRO™ | Dynamische Einlegesohlen fürs Laufen

CURREX BIKEPRO insole with gray, red and black base next to blue box with yellow insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Man cycling through hike trail on a summer day #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
CURREX BIKEPRO yellow medium profile insoles sitting against bicycle wheel, cycling shoes, helmet, and water bottle #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Floating top view of yellow colored BIKEPRO medium profile insoles with gray, red and black base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Floating base view of BIKEPRO medium profile insoles with black arch support, black heel pad, red forefoot cushioning pad, gray, red and black base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
View of pair of yellow medium profile BIKEPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Top view of yellow colored BIKEPRO medium profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Base view of BIKEPRO medium profile insole pair with black arch support, black heel pad, red forefoot pad, gray base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
CURREX BIKEPRO insole with gray, red and black base next to blue box with red insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Man cycling through hike trail on a summer day #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Black cycling shoes sitting against backpack with CURREX BIKEPRO red low profile insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Floating top view of red colored BIKEPRO low profile insoles with gray, red and black base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Floating base view of BIKEPRO low profile insoles with black arch support, black heel pad, red forefoot cushioning pad, gray, red and black base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
View of pair of red low profile BIKEPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Top view of red colored BIKEPRO low profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Base view of BIKEPRO low profile insole pair with black arch support, black heel pad, red forefoot pad, gray base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
CURREX BIKEPRO insole with gray, red and black base next to blue box with blue insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Man cycling through hike trail on a summer day #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Woman holding blue high profile BIKEPRO insoles and black and white cycling shoe #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Floating top view of blue colored BIKEPRO high profile insoles with gray, red and black base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Floating base view of BIKEPRO high profile insoles with black arch support, black heel pad, red forefoot cushioning pad, gray, red and black base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
View of pair of blue high profile BIKEPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Top view of blue colored BIKEPRO high profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Base view of BIKEPRO high profile insole pair with black arch support, black heel pad, red forefoot pad, gray base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
CURREX BIKEPRO insole with gray, red and black base next to blue box with yellow insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Man cycling through hike trail on a summer day #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
CURREX BIKEPRO yellow medium profile insoles sitting against bicycle wheel, cycling shoes, helmet, and water bottle #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Floating top view of yellow colored BIKEPRO medium profile insoles with gray, red and black base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Floating base view of BIKEPRO medium profile insoles with black arch support, black heel pad, red forefoot cushioning pad, gray, red and black base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
View of pair of yellow medium profile BIKEPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Top view of yellow colored BIKEPRO medium profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Base view of BIKEPRO medium profile insole pair with black arch support, black heel pad, red forefoot pad, gray base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
CURREX BIKEPRO informational video #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
CURREX BIKEPRO insole with gray, red and black base next to blue box with red insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Man cycling through hike trail on a summer day #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Black cycling shoes sitting against backpack with CURREX BIKEPRO red low profile insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Floating top view of red colored BIKEPRO low profile insoles with gray, red and black base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Floating base view of BIKEPRO low profile insoles with black arch support, black heel pad, red forefoot cushioning pad, gray, red and black base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
View of pair of red low profile BIKEPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Top view of red colored BIKEPRO low profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Base view of BIKEPRO low profile insole pair with black arch support, black heel pad, red forefoot pad, gray base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
CURREX BIKEPRO informational video #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
CURREX BIKEPRO insole with gray, red and black base next to blue box with blue insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Man cycling through hike trail on a summer day #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Woman holding blue high profile BIKEPRO insoles and black and white cycling shoe #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Floating top view of blue colored BIKEPRO high profile insoles with gray, red and black base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Floating base view of BIKEPRO high profile insoles with black arch support, black heel pad, red forefoot cushioning pad, gray, red and black base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
View of pair of blue high profile BIKEPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Top view of blue colored BIKEPRO high profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Base view of BIKEPRO high profile insole pair with black arch support, black heel pad, red forefoot pad, gray base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
CURREX BIKEPRO informational video #1-wahle-dein-profil_high

CURREX® BIKEPRO™ | Einlegesohlen für Radschuhe

CURREX HIKEPRO insole with white and black camo base next to tan box with yellow insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Woman taking a break from hiking to tie hiking shoe #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Woman placing yellow medium profile CURREX HIKEPRO insoles into hiking shoes while standing near mountain cliff #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Floating top view of yellow colored HIKEPRO medium profile insoles with white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Floating base view of HIKEPRO medium profile insoles with white arch support, gray heel pad, black forefoot cushioning pad, white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
View of pair of yellow medium profile HIKEPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Top view of yellow colored HIKEPRO medium profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Base view of HIKEPRO medium profile insole pair with white arch support, gray heel pad, black forefoot cushioning pad, white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
CURREX HIKEPRO insole with white and black camo base next to tan box with red insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Woman taking a break from hiking to tie hiking shoe #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
CURREX HIKEPRO red low profile insoles sitting next to hiking shoes and backpack near river #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Floating top view of red colored HIKEPRO low profile insoles with white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Floating base view of HIKEPRO low profile insoles with white arch support, gray heel pad, black forefoot cushioning pad, white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
View of pair of red low profile HIKEPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Top view of red colored HIKEPRO low profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Base view of HIKEPRO low profile insole pair with white arch support, gray heel pad, black forefoot cushioning pad, white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
CURREX HIKEPRO insole with white and black camo base next to tan box with blue insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Woman taking a break from hiking to tie hiking shoe #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Man outside placing CURREX HIKEPRO insoles into shoe before going on the hiking trail #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Floating top view of blue colored HIKEPRO high profile insoles with white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Base view of HIKEPRO high profile insole pair with white arch support, gray heel pad, black forefoot cushioning pad, white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Floating base view of HIKEPRO high profile insoles with white arch support, gray heel pad, black forefoot cushioning pad, white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
View of pair of blue high profile HIKEPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Top view of blue colored HIKEPRO high profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
CURREX HIKEPRO insole with white and black camo base next to tan box with yellow insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Woman taking a break from hiking to tie hiking shoe #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Woman placing yellow medium profile CURREX HIKEPRO insoles into hiking shoes while standing near mountain cliff #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Floating top view of yellow colored HIKEPRO medium profile insoles with white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Floating base view of HIKEPRO medium profile insoles with white arch support, gray heel pad, black forefoot cushioning pad, white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
View of pair of yellow medium profile HIKEPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Top view of yellow colored HIKEPRO medium profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
Base view of HIKEPRO medium profile insole pair with white arch support, gray heel pad, black forefoot cushioning pad, white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
CURREX HIKEPRO informational video #1-wahle-dein-profil_med
CURREX HIKEPRO insole with white and black camo base next to tan box with red insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Woman taking a break from hiking to tie hiking shoe #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
CURREX HIKEPRO red low profile insoles sitting next to hiking shoes and backpack near river #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Floating top view of red colored HIKEPRO low profile insoles with white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Floating base view of HIKEPRO low profile insoles with white arch support, gray heel pad, black forefoot cushioning pad, white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
View of pair of red low profile HIKEPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Top view of red colored HIKEPRO low profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
Base view of HIKEPRO low profile insole pair with white arch support, gray heel pad, black forefoot cushioning pad, white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
CURREX HIKEPRO informational video #1-wahle-dein-profil_low
CURREX HIKEPRO insole with white and black camo base next to tan box with blue insole inside #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Woman taking a break from hiking to tie hiking shoe #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Man outside placing CURREX HIKEPRO insoles into shoe before going on the hiking trail #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Floating top view of blue colored HIKEPRO high profile insoles with white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Base view of HIKEPRO high profile insole pair with white arch support, gray heel pad, black forefoot cushioning pad, white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Floating base view of HIKEPRO high profile insoles with white arch support, gray heel pad, black forefoot cushioning pad, white and black camo base #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
View of pair of blue high profile HIKEPRO insoles, one standing on side to show top of insole, second insole set in front showing its profile while toe is facing opposite direction #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
Top view of blue colored HIKEPRO high profile pair of insoles #1-wahle-dein-profil_high
CURREX HIKEPRO informational video #1-wahle-dein-profil_high

CURREX® HIKEPRO™ | Einlegesohlen fürs Wandern

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Gutschein | Verschenke einen CURREX-MOMENT currex-gutschein-verschenke-einen-currex-moment Gift Cards

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